Smile Gallery for Dentist office in Lakewood CA

Before & After Photos

The picture shows changing a silver amalgam restoration to a porcelain inlay/onlay restoration.

Patient's teeth before and after changing a silver amalgam restoration to a porcelain inlay/onlay restoration

The picture shows a fact from a skateboard accident.
The child broke his front tooth an was replaced with a porcelain veneer restoration.

Patient's teeth before and after replacing a broken front teeth with a porcelain veneer restoration

Cosmetic rehabilitation for patient with tetracycline stains on existing teeth with active decay.
Restored with individual emax porcelain crowns (10 emax porcelain crowns on upper arch and 10 emax porcelain crowns on lower arch).  Patient wanted to have a really “bleached white” Hollywood smile so teeth are really white, but still “life-like so it would not look unnatural”.

Patient's teeth before and after stained teeth were fitted with white crowns

It’s an alternative restoration to porcelain veneers that does not involve any cutting, drilling or local anesthetics to achieve the smile you want at an affordable cost. Normally porcelain veneers are about $1500 per tooth. But the SNAP ON SMILE is affordable, and you get the whole upper arch for the price on one porcelain veneer.

Patient's teeth before and after restoration with Snap-On Smile

Empress Porcelain Veneers to Replace Broken Central Incisors

Patient's teeth before Empress porcelain veneers
Patient's teeth after Empress porcelain veneers

Emax Porcelain Veneers for Anterior Teeth

Patient's teeth before Emax porcelain veneers
Patient's teeth after Emax porcelain veneers

Imagine Smiling With the Radiance of a Beautiful Smile!

Call us now to find a smile you'll be happy to show off!

Call us: 562-920-1726